Friday, February 14, 2014 the image above to visit the site This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

H.E.A.T. stands for Heat Energy Available Today. H.E.A.T. technology takes universally available ambient heat from the sun, air, water and earth and converts that heat to mechanical power. Based on our new understanding, this book outlines how to build home power systems using ‘off the shelf’ parts. It also mentions a way you can make your own fuel, (to heat your home or power your car) with only water, air and the electricity you generate using H.E.A.T. technology. ‘Wise Cycle Report’ is now included with the ‘HEAT Technology, Book 3′

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All of our eBooks are in PDF format. They are optimized to be read using Adobe Reader You can get Adobe Reader for FREE (click here)

After you have purchased you can use the same contact form to ask questions. We want happy customers and work hard to get you what you need.

To help us help you, we ask you to first look for your answers in our extensive website and Resources… Read more…

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Solar Heater Guide

Solar Heater GuideClick the image above to visit the site "I am so happy with the results that I just got off the phone with ordering another batch of Pro-Rib panels in order to match the first successfully installed "Eric Latocki" Solar unit which will set along side the original, as planned!"

There are so many solar heater designs out there that it’s difficult to arrive at a design you can actually imagine yourself building. Though many solar furnace designs work well -once built, but are a true pain to build, including the soda can solar heaters. You want to build the BEST solar heater out of common sense easy-to-find items that are affordable -and will serve your needs for many years -without falling apart. And if you’re anything like me, you want to get your solar heater done quickly and start heating your home as soon as possible! Not only will you have the best functioning solar heater, you are also provided the absolute best automatic fan controller and filtered wall vent kit available. (You get our special discount when ordering at the link to the right!)

Hi everyone, Eric here. Welcome to my site. I come from an industrial heating system background and have always been interested in alternative energy solutions. I had experimented with… Read more…

Living Green

Living GreenClick the image above to visit the site According to some experts, new government regulations will soon be put into place and will drive electric bills up 50%. So If you are paying $200 now you could be paying $300 very soon. The green living kit can help offset that increase by drastically reducing your monthly bill.

The Green Living kit is written in simple to understand english supported with clear illustrations to give you all the information you need to guide you through each process.

I decided I wanted to build my own wind turbine and came across your site. You offered so much compared to other guides that I found that I had to give your system a try.

Me and my 15 yr. old son, Jonathan, have been working on each of the projects. We are having so much fun together and we are saving money on our electric bill. This was great for me and my son.

If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in these guides, or for any other reason at all…

Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, buts or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print. Read more…

E-book about Algae

E-book about AlgaeClick the image above to visit the site Some algae may form scum on ponds, but by reading this e-book, you will learn that algae are probably the most important living things on earth.

Algae have the potential to help humanity deal with the twin crises of depleting oil supplies and global warming. You can learn how in this e-book.

The 31-page e-book comes with over 60 illustrations that bring the text to life, and deepen your understanding.

Although the book will be fascinating for adults, children younger than twelve will be able to understand all of the material.

The story of the first algae is an amazing tale of death and resurrection. Algae didn’t only create the oxygen we all breathe, by doing so, they almost destroyed all life on Earth.

Algae are our greatest allies in the fight against global warming because algae use Carbon Dioxide to grow. When algae die, the Carbon can sink to the bottom of the sea reversing some of the effects of human pollution.

Algae may be the most important living things on the planet, but human beings are just now learning how to farm them on a large scale. Once we can create farms of algae, algae could replace petroleum as a source of liquid fuel… Read more…

Como Construir um Carro Eletrico, Como Converter Seu Auto para Elétrico

Como Construir um Carro Eletrico, Como Converter Seu Auto para ElétricoClick the image above to visit the site Sabemos que parece ser complicado! Mas é muito mais fácil do que você pensa! Junte-se a milhares de pessoas que já não dependem da gasolina importada e ao mesmo tempo estão economizando muito dinheiro.

Tenho uma história para contar-lhes! Há 17 anos, minha esposa e eu compramos um terreno e construímos nós mesmos nossa casa nele. Depois, equipamos nossa casa com energias alternativas. Primeiro, descobrimos como construir painéis solares (módulos fotovoltaicos) e depois passamos aos geradores eólicos movidos a vento (aerogeradores). Claro que necessitamos de muitas baterias para poder guardar toda essa energia gratuita que estávamos produzindo, mas não tínhamos dinheiro suficiente para comprar baterias novas. Foi aí que tivemos que usar nossa imaginação.

Depois de muito trabalho e muitas tentativas e erros, chegamos a uma surpreendente fonte de baterias baratas que funcionou perfeitamente para armazenar e prover energia a toda nossa casa. Mas não paramos por aí. Como você verá, usar energias alternativas se tornou um vício. E nós nos apaixonamos por isso! Então, olhamos para nossos carros e caminhonetes devoradores de gasolina e pensamos:

Será que podemos converter estes veículos para que usem baterias no lugar de gasolina? Sem saber o que estávamos fazendo, decidimos pesquisar. Depois de vários meses de experimentos e longos dias de… Read more…

Geothermal Heat Pumps – Geothermal Heat Pump

Geothermal Heat Pumps - Geothermal Heat PumpClick the image above to visit the site Imagine…Being Able to Save Thousands on Your Home Heating and Cooling Costs, Forever, It’s Now reality…

If you are interested in learning about geothermal heat pumps and how to install a system to reduce your electricity bill then this is the perfect resource for you!

Geothermal heating and cooling technology provides exceptional performance and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) agrees that a geothermal heat pump is the most energy-efficient, environmentally clean, and most cost-effective space conditioning system available.

There is no doubt that geothermal heat pumps are the Low Hanging Fruit of energy efficiency. What do I mean by this? Well it is a bit like picking apples or oranges off a tree. The simple part of picking the fruit is the easy-to-reach apples or oranges. Once these have been picked it gets harder, reaching on tippy-toes, until we finally start dragging the ladder around. Geothermal heat pumps are low-hanging-fruit, this technology is definitely a NO BRAINER !

This guide is full of factual information to get you fired up so you can quickly and easily make decisions to heat and cool your home.

I’m certainly not going to insult your intelligence, by claiming this is some "secret" information. It’s not… Read more…

Phone 4 Energy – Discover a Hidden Source of Free Electricity – Your Phone Line!

Phone 4 Energy - Discover a Hidden Source of Free Electricity - Your Phone Line!Click the image above to visit the site If youve ever wanted your own secret source of free electricity to power up your household appliances, even during an emergency power outage, then this is by far the most important information youll ever read. Heres why: Are you tired of your energy bill going up each year? Is the amount youre paying to power your house causing you financial strain? Do you feel the Power Company is taking advantage of you, especially during unbearably hot or cold days?

Complete step-by-step instructions on how to make energy from your phone line using simple components!

Easy to follow step-by-step diagrams to make your own system to charge up your entire house. *** Also includes a back-up generation system.

And so much more including detailed information about tools and assembly instructions along with guided illustrations!!!

Let’s face it, in this time of financial crunch, every dollar saved makes a difference and can add to your quality of life, so you could do whatever you want or need.

Discover simple steps for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint that you can take in your daily life to do your part to help save our environment for the future.

Find out the truth about so-called "gas saving devices." We get to… Read more…