Friday, February 14, 2014 the image above to visit the site This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

H.E.A.T. stands for Heat Energy Available Today. H.E.A.T. technology takes universally available ambient heat from the sun, air, water and earth and converts that heat to mechanical power. Based on our new understanding, this book outlines how to build home power systems using ‘off the shelf’ parts. It also mentions a way you can make your own fuel, (to heat your home or power your car) with only water, air and the electricity you generate using H.E.A.T. technology. ‘Wise Cycle Report’ is now included with the ‘HEAT Technology, Book 3′

An email containing full details for downloading your product, will be sent to the address you provide, immediately after you purchase.

All of our eBooks are in PDF format. They are optimized to be read using Adobe Reader You can get Adobe Reader for FREE (click here)

After you have purchased you can use the same contact form to ask questions. We want happy customers and work hard to get you what you need.

To help us help you, we ask you to first look for your answers in our extensive website and Resources… Read more…

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Solar Heater Guide

Solar Heater GuideClick the image above to visit the site "I am so happy with the results that I just got off the phone with ordering another batch of Pro-Rib panels in order to match the first successfully installed "Eric Latocki" Solar unit which will set along side the original, as planned!"

There are so many solar heater designs out there that it’s difficult to arrive at a design you can actually imagine yourself building. Though many solar furnace designs work well -once built, but are a true pain to build, including the soda can solar heaters. You want to build the BEST solar heater out of common sense easy-to-find items that are affordable -and will serve your needs for many years -without falling apart. And if you’re anything like me, you want to get your solar heater done quickly and start heating your home as soon as possible! Not only will you have the best functioning solar heater, you are also provided the absolute best automatic fan controller and filtered wall vent kit available. (You get our special discount when ordering at the link to the right!)

Hi everyone, Eric here. Welcome to my site. I come from an industrial heating system background and have always been interested in alternative energy solutions. I had experimented with… Read more…

Living Green

Living GreenClick the image above to visit the site According to some experts, new government regulations will soon be put into place and will drive electric bills up 50%. So If you are paying $200 now you could be paying $300 very soon. The green living kit can help offset that increase by drastically reducing your monthly bill.

The Green Living kit is written in simple to understand english supported with clear illustrations to give you all the information you need to guide you through each process.

I decided I wanted to build my own wind turbine and came across your site. You offered so much compared to other guides that I found that I had to give your system a try.

Me and my 15 yr. old son, Jonathan, have been working on each of the projects. We are having so much fun together and we are saving money on our electric bill. This was great for me and my son.

If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in these guides, or for any other reason at all…

Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, buts or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print. Read more…

E-book about Algae

E-book about AlgaeClick the image above to visit the site Some algae may form scum on ponds, but by reading this e-book, you will learn that algae are probably the most important living things on earth.

Algae have the potential to help humanity deal with the twin crises of depleting oil supplies and global warming. You can learn how in this e-book.

The 31-page e-book comes with over 60 illustrations that bring the text to life, and deepen your understanding.

Although the book will be fascinating for adults, children younger than twelve will be able to understand all of the material.

The story of the first algae is an amazing tale of death and resurrection. Algae didn’t only create the oxygen we all breathe, by doing so, they almost destroyed all life on Earth.

Algae are our greatest allies in the fight against global warming because algae use Carbon Dioxide to grow. When algae die, the Carbon can sink to the bottom of the sea reversing some of the effects of human pollution.

Algae may be the most important living things on the planet, but human beings are just now learning how to farm them on a large scale. Once we can create farms of algae, algae could replace petroleum as a source of liquid fuel… Read more…

Como Construir um Carro Eletrico, Como Converter Seu Auto para Elétrico

Como Construir um Carro Eletrico, Como Converter Seu Auto para ElétricoClick the image above to visit the site Sabemos que parece ser complicado! Mas é muito mais fácil do que você pensa! Junte-se a milhares de pessoas que já não dependem da gasolina importada e ao mesmo tempo estão economizando muito dinheiro.

Tenho uma história para contar-lhes! Há 17 anos, minha esposa e eu compramos um terreno e construímos nós mesmos nossa casa nele. Depois, equipamos nossa casa com energias alternativas. Primeiro, descobrimos como construir painéis solares (módulos fotovoltaicos) e depois passamos aos geradores eólicos movidos a vento (aerogeradores). Claro que necessitamos de muitas baterias para poder guardar toda essa energia gratuita que estávamos produzindo, mas não tínhamos dinheiro suficiente para comprar baterias novas. Foi aí que tivemos que usar nossa imaginação.

Depois de muito trabalho e muitas tentativas e erros, chegamos a uma surpreendente fonte de baterias baratas que funcionou perfeitamente para armazenar e prover energia a toda nossa casa. Mas não paramos por aí. Como você verá, usar energias alternativas se tornou um vício. E nós nos apaixonamos por isso! Então, olhamos para nossos carros e caminhonetes devoradores de gasolina e pensamos:

Será que podemos converter estes veículos para que usem baterias no lugar de gasolina? Sem saber o que estávamos fazendo, decidimos pesquisar. Depois de vários meses de experimentos e longos dias de… Read more…

Geothermal Heat Pumps – Geothermal Heat Pump

Geothermal Heat Pumps - Geothermal Heat PumpClick the image above to visit the site Imagine…Being Able to Save Thousands on Your Home Heating and Cooling Costs, Forever, It’s Now reality…

If you are interested in learning about geothermal heat pumps and how to install a system to reduce your electricity bill then this is the perfect resource for you!

Geothermal heating and cooling technology provides exceptional performance and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) agrees that a geothermal heat pump is the most energy-efficient, environmentally clean, and most cost-effective space conditioning system available.

There is no doubt that geothermal heat pumps are the Low Hanging Fruit of energy efficiency. What do I mean by this? Well it is a bit like picking apples or oranges off a tree. The simple part of picking the fruit is the easy-to-reach apples or oranges. Once these have been picked it gets harder, reaching on tippy-toes, until we finally start dragging the ladder around. Geothermal heat pumps are low-hanging-fruit, this technology is definitely a NO BRAINER !

This guide is full of factual information to get you fired up so you can quickly and easily make decisions to heat and cool your home.

I’m certainly not going to insult your intelligence, by claiming this is some "secret" information. It’s not… Read more…

Phone 4 Energy – Discover a Hidden Source of Free Electricity – Your Phone Line!

Phone 4 Energy - Discover a Hidden Source of Free Electricity - Your Phone Line!Click the image above to visit the site If youve ever wanted your own secret source of free electricity to power up your household appliances, even during an emergency power outage, then this is by far the most important information youll ever read. Heres why: Are you tired of your energy bill going up each year? Is the amount youre paying to power your house causing you financial strain? Do you feel the Power Company is taking advantage of you, especially during unbearably hot or cold days?

Complete step-by-step instructions on how to make energy from your phone line using simple components!

Easy to follow step-by-step diagrams to make your own system to charge up your entire house. *** Also includes a back-up generation system.

And so much more including detailed information about tools and assembly instructions along with guided illustrations!!!

Let’s face it, in this time of financial crunch, every dollar saved makes a difference and can add to your quality of life, so you could do whatever you want or need.

Discover simple steps for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint that you can take in your daily life to do your part to help save our environment for the future.

Find out the truth about so-called "gas saving devices." We get to… Read more…

Green Earths Energy: Build Amazing Solar Panels Yourself!

Green Earths Energy: Build Amazing Solar Panels Yourself!Click the image above to visit the site "Building Your Own Solar Panels Has Never Been Easier And More Financially Sustainable! This Information Is For anyone That Wants To Cut Their Dependence On Electricity And Use Alternative Methods For Power!"

Did you also know that all you need is someone to teach you how to build your own solar panel and get your home or business a boost with this alternative to conventional electricity?

If after following the blueprint, you still don’t feel that you can build your own solar panels just ask and you will get all your money back, no questions or hassles whatsoever.

All purchases can be refunded within 60 days of purchase, meaning if you don’t think that Green Earths Energy can make you successful with building solar panels on your own. Just let me know and you can get your money back. Read more…

Carbonventures Carbon Brokering Buisness

Carbonventures Carbon Brokering BuisnessClick the image above to visit the site Let me take you on an exciting guided tour of what’s working – and not working – in the Global Warming Carbon Credit Market today. I’ll maneuver around the pitfalls… and there are lots of pitfalls! And we’ll journey through some of the most inspiring, dynamic, real opportunities available right now.

I am going to show you exactly how you can easily start applying several little-know success strategies to this business… strategies which are responsible for some of the most impressive successes in global warming today.

It doesn’t matter if you have absolutely no idea what global warming is or what a carbon credit is for that matter!… or you’ve never had any training in this area or never even been in business for yourself (and you find the industry completely intimidating)… or you’re already well versed in the background of this unique market. You’ll discover what the real opportunities in Global Warming are… and that they’re not where everyone else is looking!

I’ll completely avoid “theory” and hype. In fact, what I’m about to share with you is based on years of painstaking research, and my “in the trenches” experiences delivering extraordinary results for some of the most successful clients… Read more…

Curso de Energia Solar Fotovoltaica

Curso de Energia Solar FotovoltaicaClick the image above to visit the site Ahora tu puedes generar tu propia electricidad en casa! Quizas hayas leído acerca de cursos engorrosos y caros que te dicen como hacerlo, has intentado hacerlo?

"Yo he generado mi propia electricidad. Esto fué tan simple y me permite ahorrar dinero mensualmente"

Si tú estas interesado en aprender exactamente como generar electricidad y reducir tu recibo de luz, este es el mejor recurso para tí!. Excelente en lugares donde no se cuenta con energía électrica.

Es la mejor opción para dejar de pagar mensualmente y empezar a generar su propia electricidad.

En los últimos años he descubierto la manera de reducir significativamente el costo de la facturación mensual de la luz, si lo puedo hacer yo, porque no tu también.

Voy a ser su "mentor solar" y te mostrare paso a paso cómo generar electricidad gratuita. Asimismo te voy a enseñar mis otros secretos en energías renovables en un formato fácil de seguir.

¿Sabía usted? que puedes ahorrar o reducir mensualmente la facturación mensual de la luz generando su propia electricidad.

En esta guía podrás encontrar la manera mas fácil de implementar un sistema que le genere electricidad gratuita. En realidad es más fácil de lo que uno piensa! Read more…

Convert Your Vehicle To An Electric Car

Convert Your Vehicle To An Electric CarClick the image above to visit the site Want To NEVER Pay For Gas Again? Long Kept Secret Revealed On How To Convert Your Car To Run An Electric Motor

Stop Paying $100 – $200 A Week On Gas! I Have Some News That Will Shock You! Its Actually Very Easy To Convert A Gas Vehicle Into An ELECTRIC CAR! Basically, You Will No Longer Have to Pay For Gasoline After Reading My Guide! Order Now

Many everyday people want to convert their gas guzzling car into an efficient electric car. However, most people don’t have the $3,000 it costs to hire a mechanic to do the work for them! So, a couple of mechanics got together to solve this problem for everyone! They wrote a detailed, easy to use instruction manual that will show even the newest of car newbies how to do an electric car conversion!

Must See Proof! Everyday People Converting Their Cars To Run On Electricity

…Even If You’ve Never Put ANYTHING Together or Don’t Even Know What The Inside Of a Car Looks Like – You Will Be Able to Follow My Guide and Convert Your Vehicle Into an Electric Car!

The Newest Electric Car Design – Our Design will get the most Miles Per Charge and Will Charge Overnight!

The Easiest Do It… Read more…

Solaranlage selber bauen

Solaranlage selber bauenClick the image above to visit the site WUSSTEN SIE SCHON? …Sie können Ihre eigenen Sonnen-kollektoren bauen und dabei Tausende von Euro gegenüber dem Ladenpreis sparen.

Wenn Sie nach dem Motto „Do it yourself“ vorgehen, können Sie Ihre Kosten auf einen Bruchteil dessen zusammenstreichen, was Sie normalerweise im Geschäft bezahlen müssten. Dieses Projekt macht wirklich Spaß und mit diesem Schritt-für-Schritt-Handbuch können Sie schnell und einfach damit beginnen, Ihren eigenen Strom zu produzieren.

Vor ein paar Jahren begann ich, mich mit dem Thema Solarenergie zu beschäftigen. Genau wie Sie begann ich mit einer Onlinesuche, um herauszufinden, wie ich mit Solarstrom Geld sparen könnte.

Ich war schockiert, als ich sah, wie viel die Installation von Sonnenkollektoren an meinem Haus kosten würde. Ich erhielt einen Kostenvoranschlag von über 25’000 Euro und die Amortisationszeit war einfach viel zu lang. So eine Summe konnte ich selbstverständlich nicht aufbringen, bei Weitem nicht.

Ich hatte mich schon damit abgefunden, jeden Monat Geld an mein Energieversorgungsunternehmen zu zahlen, als ich einen Freund traf, der eine Lösung hatte. Mein Freund erklärte mir, dass er für nur einen Bruchteil der Kosten für neue Sonnenkollektoren aus dem Geschäft seine eigenen Sonnenkollektoren baute. Und damit war er nicht allein.

Ich hatte keine Ahnung, dass Tausende von Leuten bereits ihre eigenen Solarkollektoren bauten. Mein Freund hatte verschiedene… Read more…

Electricity4Gas – Electric Car Conversion Manual

Electricity4Gas - Electric Car Conversion ManualClick the image above to visit the site Don’t pay for your gas any longer… Instead, the government will pay YOU!

"Peter’s complete step-by-step manual will have you converting your own car to run on electricity for less than $300!"

From the DIY garage of Peter Millward Environmental activist and creator of Hi, my name is Peter and I’m going to help YOU eliminate your gas bill completely. Not only that, the IRS will pay you (give you tax credits) for driving a clean fuel vehicle. My Electricity4Gas manual is going to show you everything you need to know about converting your car to run on electricity, in your very own garage or backyard. If you are interested in learning exactly how to convert your car to run with electricity and eliminate your gas bill than this is the perfect resource for you!

With the ever increasing costs of gas there is no better time then right now to start running your own car on electricity. Why worry about reducing your gas bills, when you can completely eliminate them!

Why pay $1000′s for an electric car conversion or a new electric car when you can build your own professional system for less than $300!

Electricity4Gas is going to teach you everything you need to… Read more…

SolarInstallCourse.comClick the image above to visit the site Thanks again John! I have been in the electrical industry for 11 years and I just understood the basics of solar but I never installed one. But, after watching the video and reading your study material, its amazing that now I know I could install any system, speak very knowledgeably on the system and how it works and how its installed. I looked at a lot of solar training courses on the internet and they all ranged from $600 to $3,500.00 dollars. After taking your course I am just as prepared as if I spent thousands or more. I not only thank you for helping me learn about solar, but thank you for saving me a lot of money!

Are you looking to get into the booming Solar Business but can’t afford the hundreds of dollars being charged for other courses? Do you want to start your own Solar Business and become a “Solar Millionaire”? Are you sick and tired of your job and ready to go into business for yourself as a Solar Installer? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then this may be the most important letter you ever read!!

This complete course will take you step by step through the… Read more…

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Prius Hybrid Battery Rebuild

Prius Hybrid Battery RebuildClick the image above to visit the site This Guide would also be a good investment for the future. Hybrid batteries have a limited life span of 8 years or 150,000 miles on average. So if your car hasn’t had a bad battery yet you can be expecting it soon as the 8 year mark is coming up on all 01′-09′ Prius.

In the summer of 2008, I bought a Prius from a guy that forgot to mention that the Hybrid Battery was dying.

Two Months later, I had to take the car to my local Toyota dealership because none of the local shops would work on the car.

I needed to talk to some experts.I started researching how the batteries worked. I found some technicians that worked at Toyota dealerships that actually rebuilt the battery packs.

I spent time with retired mechanics and discussed the procedures with techs that werent afraid to get their hands dirty and save their customers moneyLots of money.

For a few hours work and less than $350, I rebuilt my own battery pack using the tools most people already own.

I put together a guide called, Guide to Saving $4000 on your Prius Hybrid Battery in 5 Easy Steps to help you do it yourself.

Step By Step Guide… Read more…

How To Build Solar Panels At Home From Scratch – DIY Solar Panels

How To Build Solar Panels At Home From Scratch - DIY Solar PanelsClick the image above to visit the site My name is Adam Stewart and in recent years I have discovered how to drastically cut down the cost of solar panels allowing the process to be cost effective for the average person.

At that rate it wasn’t feasible and it defeated the entire purpose of getting them in the first place.

Making your own solar panels is one of the smartest things to do these days, and it was with this thought in mind that I decided to put together an exact step-by-step guide for anyone who wants to make their own solar panels.

Remember when I told you that it costs nearly $30,000 for some solar panel systems? Well, you’re not going to pay anywhere near that, not even close!

I think if people knew how easy it was to build solar panels then all the big energy companies would be out of business. A few of my friends noticed me building my own solar panels and are also starting to do the same, which is great! Thank you." Read more…

Biomass Pellet Mill, Wood Press, Machine And Plants For Sale

Biomass Pellet Mill, Wood Press, Machine And Plants For SaleClick the image above to visit the site If you have not already done so, please watch the video below. At PelHeat we have been involved in making pellets since 2006, and we understand the skills required to be able to produce quality wood pellets and biomass pellets using the pellet mill.

The cost of fuel and heating is becoming more of an issue for more people. Most economies are still struggling to get out of the recession and oil and gas prices are continuing to rise. For instance the UK recently had a 20% increase in the cost of gas, to the average consumer this means an additional £180 increased in their bill. There are new incentives to encourage alternatives such as wood pellets, in the UK there is the Renewable Heat Incentive. Some people have wood and biomass resources available to them for the manufacturer of wood pellets with the pellet mill.

We want to help people understand how to make wood pellets and other biomass pellets as it also supports our work in providing small pellet mills and small and large pellet plants. We understand some people are just looking for a basic introduction, therefore we have produced a free beginners guide on how the pellet mill works.

The pellet mill is a compression device… Read more…

Build Your Own Wind And Solar Power System – Energy 2 Green

Build Your Own Wind And Solar Power System - Energy 2 GreenClick the image above to visit the site "The power companies know that their customers could invest as little as $200 and generate their own electricity and literally make their meters spin backwards and that’s precisely why they hope you never learn about my Energy 2 Green system!"

For generations, we have been held hostage by Power Companies. Despite relatively little investment in new power plants and equipment, the average consumer has seen their electric bill more than double in the past 10 years! This far outpaces inflation during that same time period and no one has invested in any nuclear facilities for more than 3 decades so why have the power companies raised our rates so dramatically?

It’s simple: We absolutely NEED electricity and the power companies know it. They have been justifying price increases for years despite having over 300 years worth of verifiable coal reserves (most electricity is produced using coal), not investing in new nuclear facilities since the 1970’s, and relatively low maintenance costs! But today, the average household spends $1,000 or more per year on electricity and the rates will keep going up and up guaranteed.

Actually, if you produce more electricity than you use, the electric company is obligated by law to buy it from you at current market… Read more…

How To Convert Your Car To Electric, DIY Electric Car Conversion

How To Convert Your Car To Electric, DIY Electric Car ConversionClick the image above to visit the site Do I have a story to tell you! 17 years ago, my wife Jane and I bought some land and built our own house on it. We then set out to power our new home with alternative energy. First, we figured out how to build solar panels and then we moved on to wind generators. We needed lots of batteries, of course, to store all this free energy we were producing, but we couldn’t afford brand new ones. So we had to get a little creative.

After some legwork and a lot of trial and error, we stumbled upon an amazing source of cheap batteries that worked great for storing energy and powering our home. But we didn’t stop there. As you will soon learn, using alternative energy becomes addictive and we had the bug pretty bad! So we next set eyes on our gas-guzzling car and truck…

Could we actually convert these vehicles to run off batteries instead of gasoline? Without knowing what we were doing, we decided to find out. After several months of experimenting and a lot of long days, we got everything to work. Then we started making a series of design improvements to increase the speed and cruising range.

Once we began driving our… Read more…

Construir un Coche Electrico, Como Convertir Tu Auto a Eléctrico

Construir un Coche Electrico, Como Convertir Tu Auto a EléctricoClick the image above to visit the site Sabemos que suena complicado. ¡Pero es mucho mas fácil de lo que piensas! Únete a los miles de personas que ya no dependen del petróleo extranjero y al mismo tiempo están ahorrando muchísimo dinero.

¡Tengo una historia que contarles! Hace 17 años, mi esposa y yo compramos un terreno y construimos nosotros mismos nuestra casa en el. Después, darle energía a nuestro nuevo hogar con fuentes alternas se convirtió en nuestra meta. Primero, descubrimos como construir paneles solares y después pasamos a los generadores de viento. Claro que necesitábamos muchas baterías para poder guardar toda esta energía gratis que estábamos produciendo, pero no teníamos dinero para comprar baterías nuevas. Así que tuvimos que usar nuestra imaginación.

Después de mucho trabajo y mucho ensayo y error, llegamos hasta una sorprendente fuente de baterías baratas que funcionaron perfectamente para guardar y dar energía a nuestra casa. Pero no nos detuvimos ahí. Como pronto veras, usar energías alternativas se vuelve una adicción y ¡nosotros somos adictos! Así que enseguida pusimos nuestros ojos en nuestros devoradores de gasolina…

¿En verdad podríamos convertir estos vehículos para que usen baterías en lugar de gasolina? Sin saber lo que estábamos haciendo, decidimos averiguarlo. Después de varios meses de experimentos y después de muchos días muy largos, por… Read more…

Electric Car Conversion Made Easy – Insider Secrets Revealed –

Electric Car Conversion Made Easy - Insider Secrets Revealed - Evsecrets.comClick the image above to visit the site What I’m about to tell you will change the way you look at electric car conversions. Please read my story and I’ll show you exactly how to start building your own electric car – saving thousands of dollars in fuel each year, while doing your bit for the environment.

Right now, we are living in a different world. A world where gas prices are unpredictable, and rising. A world where pollution affects every major city. A world where oil is expected to run out during our own lifetimes. The world is currently at the mercy of foreign oil. When the oil producing nations recently raised the price of gas to $5 a gallon the global economy collapsed. We’re now starting to recover from it but every month, slowly but surely, the price of gas climbs again…

"Although I knew nothing about electric cars I was completely determined to start my conversion project."

The thing is, I’m just a regular person, which basically means if I can do it anyone can. I poured all my knowledge into my "Electric Conversion Made Easy" ebook and the attached video tutorials because people are actually demanding it. So here I am… detailing every time-saving & cost-cutting conversion technique I’ve seen, used or reproduced for… Read more…

On Demand Hydrogen Fuel – Water4Gas

On Demand Hydrogen Fuel - Water4GasClick the image above to visit the site Turn Water (H2O) into HHO (Hydrogen Gas/Brown’s Gas) and turn your car into an environmental friend and save!

Understand How to Install the Hydrogen Fuel Cell into Your Vehicle (or Install for Family & Friends)

And, you’ll automatically be added to our database* to receive up to date information about Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology and group meetings.

…we want your testimonial. Please provide a testimonial ASAP so we can add it to this webpage. This price will be only be available for a limited time, so act now!

You can order the DVD including All Required Datasheets to for only AUD $55.00 – (Plus freight)

*Savings will vary from vehicle to vehicle. There are no Guarantee’s as to how much of a saving you will achieve. Read more…

Fuel Saving Ebook –

Fuel Saving Ebook - FuelEconomySteps.comClick the image above to visit the site There is almost NOTHING that has a greater impact on the American lifestyle that the cost of the fuel for our cars. The skyrocketing price of gasoline is making a huge impact on everyone, from the teenager who is just starting out, to the most elderly person who remembers the days when gas cost as little as 25 cents a gallon.

The Washington Times reports that Oil and Gasoline prices have risen to their highest levels in over two years and that analysts say prices could rise dramatically this year as the demand for oil and gas rises in the USA and around the world.

As the world wide recession begins to lessen more people are out driving and businesses are beginning to ramp up production. All of those actions contribute to gas prices going UP UP UP.

The former head of Shell Oil was warned that gas prices could possibly rise to the $5 per gallon range by the beginning of 2012 because of fast growing demand for gas in places like China and India.

Currently Oil demand is at about 87 million gallons per day! Wow. That’s a lot of oil. That’s more than 100,000 barrels a day more than in 2007, just a few… Read more…

Green Power Easy – The EASY DIY Guide to Solar and Wind Power for Your Home. Build Your Own Solar Panel, Build Your Own Wind Turbine – Reduce Your Energy Bills By…

Green Power Easy - The EASY DIY Guide to Solar and Wind Power for Your Home. Build Your Own Solar Panel, Build Your Own Wind Turbine - Reduce Your Energy Bills By...Click the image above to visit the site From the DIY Workshop of Peter Lowe, Green Power Enthusiast & Cofounder of Green Power Easy

As one of the founders of Green Power Easy, I wanted to take a moment to say welcome to our site. I also wanted to take a moment to let you know what we’re all about, and what YOU can expect from Green Power Easy.

When I was very young, back in the 80′s, I remember sitting in a line of cars a mile long with my father, waiting to buy gas that was being rationed.

Needless to say it really upset my father. He said "when you become dependent it makes you weaker."

Over the years I’ve sought out independence from big energy supply. There is just no getting around it, we need energy to live a comfortable life. When I grew up, it seemed that unless you wanted to live your whole life like a scout at camp you will be dependent on the big energy companies.

They set the prices, they tell you how much you can have, and with new smart meters they can even tell you when you can have it!

When you look for ways to save money on your electric bills does it seem like you are trapped… Read more…

Cursos – Vive Al Natural

Cursos - Vive Al NaturalClick the image above to visit the site Aprende a hacer cremas, lociones y muchisimo más. No pierdas esta oportunidad de brindarle a tu familia lo mejor de la naturaleza. Curso en Formato PDF $45

Manual Fórmulas de Cosmética Natural * Solo fórmulas ** Si ya comprastes nuestro curso de Cosmética Natural no tienes que comprar este Manual. Curso en Formato PDF $35

Curso de Saponificación Proceso en Frio en 8 pasos con imágenes demostrativas a color. Aprende el arte de Saponificar sin pagar un alto precio. Curso en Formato PDF $45

Ahora puedes disfrutar de los cursos más populares en Vive Al Natural a un menor precio. Si compras este artículo te puedes ahorrar más de $12.00 del precio por separado. No dejes pasar esta oportunidad y comienza a aprender todo lo que necesitas para abrirte paso en la confección de productos naturales y Saponificación. Curso en Formato PDF $77

Crea tu negocio desde cero en una plataforma de Venta Directa. Si te gustan los Negocios de Venta Directa en este libro te voy a enseñar como puedes cambiar tu negocio a uno de reuniones, fiesta y diversión con tu marca personal. Los Negocios de Venta Directa no son para unos pocos, todos podemos disfrutar de su formato y yo te enseño como hacerlo. Libro en formato PDF… Read more…

Water car – How To Convert Your Car To Run On Water

Water car - How To Convert Your Car To Run On WaterClick the image above to visit the site Crazy, but true. A simple device you can make at home for pennies will take regular water (H2O) and convert it to a gas (HHO) that your car can run on. The only waste product is pure water again! Talk about being absolutely wonderful for the endangered environment. You can run for hundreds of miles on less than one quart of water. That means there’s almost literally money pouring out of your kitchen faucet. It’s completely safe. And since water burns cleaner and more efficiently than gas, it actually cleans your engine and helps your car run smoother over time…not to mention saving the environment from choking CO2 emissions. Here’s a simple video showing you how what’s called a water hydrolyzer works:

We’re going to show you a powerful way to implement the technology you just saw in any vehicle engine you want…but there are other ways to save gas by being smart.

Sign up below for the free report that shows you how to boost your mileage for almost zero effort.

You’ll use plain old water—and it doesn’t even have to be "pure". No additives, no distillation, no "magic formula". Just plain old water you can get out of a faucet or hose. And that stuff’s… Read more…

Wood burning Rocket Stove heater plans

Wood burning Rocket Stove heater plansClick the image above to visit the site Well, here it is. The ZeroFossilFuel Rocket Stove Heater. This page will probably end up becoming a work in progress because I’ll be tweaking here and there, maybe even adding a pellet hopper. DIrectly below are links to the current outline I wrote up in PDF and YouTube video playlist. It is my sincerest hope that this helps many to become more energy independent and inspires them to build. Zero’s Rocket Stove Guide (right click to save PDF) YouTube video playlist for my Rocket Stove. 6 videos in all. The information above is free, open to the public and all you need to recreate my design. For just $20 you can also get my full 30 page set of measured blueprints, animated 3D Solidworks model, high resolution photo album of the entire project start to finish, a deleted blooper video when things went horribly wrong (funny in hindsight, not so funny then) and my eternal gratitude. Read more…

Herbal Plants Ritual Secrets

Herbal Plants Ritual SecretsClick the image above to visit the site "Who Else Wants A Flavorful Herb Garden That Would Be The Envy Of Your Neighbors In 7 Days (Or Less) – Guaranteed?"

If you’re interested in learning almost everything there is to know about herb gardens, then this is going to be the most important information you’ll

Recently, a new breakthrough in herb gardening had been discovered and reported in an amazing new eBook called Secrets of Successful Herb

It’s amazing, because it covered nearly every bit of information you wanted to know about how to grow gorgeous herbs, plus more…

Just imagine being able to grow flavorful herbs in days (or less) without using harmful chemicals or spending a fortune on expensive store bought herbs.

Because, every bit of this eBook is packed with the latest cutting edge information on Herb Gardening and it took over 1 year to research, gather the data and compile it into this amazing new eBook.

When to use different types of herbs such as culinary herbs, aromatic herbs, ornamental herbs and medicinal herbs

7 everyday but often overlooked tips and tricks for picking the best compainion plants for your herbs

But that’s not all…Because that’s just a small tiny fraction of the amount of information you’ll discover in this jam packed eBook that… Read more…

Sky 4 Energy – Powering Your Home for FREE with FREE Energy From the Sky!

Sky 4 Energy - Powering Your Home for FREE with FREE Energy From the Sky!Click the image above to visit the site Fact: Nikola Tesla Discovered How to Generate 100% FREE Electricity from Thin Air. Yet, the power companies prevented him from making it available to the people, so that YOU keep on paying your Electricty Bills.

Find out how to get the Power Company to pay YOU a recurring salary just for generating more electricity than you consume.

And including detailed information about tools and assembly instructions along with guided illustrations!!

Discover simple steps for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint that you can take in your daily life to do your part to help save our environment for the future.

Find out the truth about so-called "gas saving devices." We get to the bottom of such devices like: oil and gas additives, magnetic devices, and air injection products on this guide.

You are about to get instant access to this best selling kit even if it’s 3 in the morning Sky 4 Energy comes with a 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee – because we are sure that you will not regret your decision. To get started, simply click here to order at the limited time price. Sky 4 Energy is in digital format (PDF) which means there is no need to wait for it to arrive. You’ll be able to learn… Read more…

Add Your Eco-friendly Company to

Add Your Eco-friendly Company to EcoFirms.orgClick the image above to visit the site Add Your ECO Company to AND Get GREEN Targeted Exposure, New Sales Leads, and Help to Save the Rainforest!

"Since we joined our company profile was viewed 3507 times! The best part is that we keep benefiting from highly targeted traffic and exposure every month for free! Joining this network was one of the easiest and best decisions we’ve made." – Jem Winston, Managing Director, Rosalie Forest / 3 Rivers Eco Lodge, Dominica, WI is one of the largest international green business directories online. When you join you can include the following information:

Receive targeted exposure from green focused customers. With over 250,000 pageviews per month to our eco related website and the traffic constantly increasing, your company is guaranteed to receive ‘green’ targeted exposure on a continuous basis. We rank at the top on Google and other search engines for many relevant keywords, such as ‘eco-friendly companies’, ‘environmentally friendly companies’, ‘eco companies’, ‘eco friendly directory’, and many others that bring targeted traffic to our website and our member companies.

Connect to the green community In addition to search engine traffic we receive almost 45% of our traffic from social media sites on relevant topics. We also provide our directory content as… Read more…

GreenDIYenergy.comClick the image above to visit the site …There is a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how to build your own solar panel system.

When you "Do It Yourself", you can cut your costs to a fraction of what "retail" would normally cost. It’s a fun project, and with this step-by-step guide, you can quickly and easily start producing your own electricity.

A few years ago, I started looking into solar energy. Just like you, I started with an online search exploring on how I could save money with solar electricity.

I was shocked to see how much it cost to have solar panels installed at my house! The estimate I received was over $35,000 and the payback time for that was just way too long. I certainly didn’t have that kind of money, not even close.

I was resigned to the idea of paying the electric company each and every month until I met a friend who had a solution. My friend explained that he was building his own solar panels for just a fraction of the cost of new retail solar panels. And he wasn’t alone.

I had no idea that thousands of people were making their own solar panels. My friend had collected various drawings and "do-it… Read more…

Solar Water Heater

Solar Water HeaterClick the image above to visit the site When used in addition to your existing water heater, a solar water heater reduces the need to artificially heat water. Simply put, the water entering your water heater is already hot.

The guide is for sale today (check bottom of page for price) and all of the raw materials cost less than $70 and are easy to find at your local hardware.

Once you have this technology installed, you can expect to save money every month for many years into the future. That’s savings for a one-time payment of just $29.99

Pre-built systems cost well over $1000 and are worth every penny, however, these take a lot longer to pay for themselves. Our system will pay for itself easily within 1 month.

If at any time within the next 60 days of purchase you’re not completely satisfied with everything found in this guide, or for any other reason at all…

Simply let me know and I’ll return your purchase price immediately and in full. No Questions Asked! No ifs, buts or maybes. No hidden clauses, asterisks or small print.

The average family currently spends $1600 each year on utilities, and that amount is expected to rise drastically this year. A lot of the energy costs for a… Read more…

Which Hobbit? Reflections on Society and Sustainability

Which Hobbit? Reflections on Society and SustainabilityClick the image above to visit the site Kelly talks about his involvement with music, painting and drawing, photography, film, animation, video production, writing and website development. These arts have been central to his being, his self-discovery and expression. He also writes about his personal relationship to love, nature, spirituality, science and technology.

Using his own "Hobbit hole" as an example, Kelly writes about sustainable architecture with reference to compact design, passive solar heating, advantages of earth-sheltering, forest conservation, use of local and natural materials, recycling, energy and water conservation, growing and storing food, and building for the long term. There is much specific guidance offered in these pages for those who would like to incorporate sustainable principles into their homes or house plans.

Kelly tells about why he designed and built the "Sunmobile," a two-person, four-wheeled solar vehicle that runs completely on solar or human power. The Sunmobile has gone hundreds of pollution-free miles; it is designed for utility, with lots of cargo space. This could be the basis for the next evolutionary stage in solar travel: the "SunVee," which stands for Solar Utility Neighborhood Vehicle.

In a series of essays, Hobbit Hart reflects on the nature of the culture of Men (especially Western culture) with incisive observation, criticism, and suggestions for… Read more…

Recondition Battery .com

Recondition Battery .comClick the image above to visit the site You can now recondition your old batteries at home and bring them back to 100% of their working condition. Reconditioning old batteries is a great way to help the environment.

Plus… Keep reading to discover how you can make thousands by purchasing old batteries and selling them as reconditioned ones for massive profits.

"Thanks for helping me recondition my batteries. It’s such an easy process!" Christopher – US, IL

Most people will throw out old batteries not knowing they can be restored to their original glory? Batteries are not cheap! Before throwing out any battery you should test them to see if they can be restored. Not only will it save you money but it is also environmentally friendly. Batteries contain chemicals that seep into our soils and end up in our waterways. By reconditioning batteries we will eliminate 50% of the batteries we throw out.

A lot of people think battery reconditioning is hard however I think I know it’s incredibly simple. I have done it hundreds of time before, in fact it’s what I do for a living. Anybody can recondition batteries, you just need to know the techniques. Whether you have a dead laptop battery, car battery or just about any other commonly used battery I can show… Read more…

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Nikola Tesla Secret – Exposing Tesla’s “FREE Energy” Device

Nikola Tesla Secret - Exposing Tesla's "FREE Energy" DeviceClick the image above to visit the site Note: This system in the video will generate just a few volts but it proves the concept. I encourage you to try it. If you are looking for a BIGGER system – keep on reading!

Fact: You are about to discover How To Use 100% FREE Energy for your home with a device invented by the father of Electricity – Nikola Tesla.

Dear Energy User, If you pay for electricity, you’ve been hit hard by high energy prices. And, if you’re like most people, you’re thinking… there’s got to be a better way. A better way to heat your home; a better way to use electricity without spending a fortune; a better way to get save on your electricity bill FOR GOOD! Sound exciting? Well, what if I told you…

“Electric Power is Everywhere Present In Unlimited Quantities, It Can Drive The World’s Machinery Without The Need Of Coal, Oil, Gas Or Any Other Fuel”

The morning after the inventor’s death, his nephew Sava Kosanovic hurried to his uncle’s residence. By the time he arrived, Tesla’s body had already been removed. Technical papers were missing as well as a black notebook he knew Tesla kept – a notebook with several hundred pages, some of which were marked "Government!" P. E. Foxworth, assistant director… Read more…

Build A Container Home

Build A Container HomeClick the image above to visit the site "Who Else Wants Simple Step-By-Step Plans To Design And Build A Container Home From Scratch?"

When it comes to building a home from a shipping container there are many things you must consider. You’ve probably already searched various websites for guidance however many of the other Online guides miss out several very important steps. You see, safety is a huge factor when building a container home. I mean, you’re probably going to have friends and family living in your container at some point! And that’s why you need to follow a guide you can trust. Not some dodgy You Tube video.

Hello my friend, I’m a professional builder and have been using shipping containers in many various projects over the last 14 years. I’m also a designer, I can help you visualize an amazing container home thats also easy to build. Function and brilliant design are my main goals when taking on a new project.

I noticed about 5 years ago the interest in shipping container homes sky rocketed. This is because people a realizing the huge benefits to this method:

Afford-ability. Building a container home is extremely cost effective. If you’ve already looked into the cost of new or second hand container you obviously know what… Read more…

thecleanandgreenguide.comClick the image above to visit the site Many give off toxic fumes which are known as VOCs (volatile organic compounds) which build up in the body causing fatigue, headaches, and many other illnesses.

while the chemicals in cleaners foam, bleach, and disinfect to make our dishes, bathtubs and countertops gleaming and germ-free, many also contribute to indoor air pollution, are poisonous if ingested, and can be harmful if inhaled or touched. In fact, some cleaners are among the most toxic products found in the home. In 2000, cleaning products were responsible for nearly 10% of all toxic exposures reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers, accounting for 206,636 calls. Of these, 120,434 exposures involved children under six, who can swallow or spill cleaners stored or left open inside the home…(see

These days we are constantly bombarded with the news of how we are overloading our bodies with toxic chemicals as well as destroying the environment. We are becoming more and more unwell. Our children are more angry and unhappy. What about an alternative to commercial cleaners? Discovers ways to make your own natural, safe & cheap cleaning products that clean the home while filling the rooms with relaxing and calming essential oils.

I have been in… Read more…